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Film & TV: About Anne or by Sally Wainwright
"I'm always all right"

As seen on TV


There are four major programmes on Anne that I know of: Gentleman Jack, the made-for-TV The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010), Sue Perkins' documentary Revealing Anne Lister (2010) and A Marriage, an episode of the series A Skirt Through History (1996). All were produced by the BBC. Unfortunately A Skirt Through History doesn't seem to be available anywhere, so I haven't seen it. The other three are discussed here; the reviews are not critical - all programmes speak for themselves.

Sally Wainwright

There's also some information on Sally Wainwright's work. It's interesting to see so many of the same actors in many of the programmes, and I think that Sally Wainwright has slipped one or two Anne Lister references into a couple (or more?) of the series.

Page updated 13-Oct-2020